I’m not really sure if “Islamophobia” is a real word by any standards; but what I do know is real is the concept.
I don’t think any culture or religious belief in history has ever been subjected to the insults as Islam is today.
I have had the personal experience of being asked “Why all muslims are terrorists”; I’ve had my blog vandalized with anti-Islam scum, and have had the ‘privilege’ of seeing the most disgusting hate-speech anyone can write on the Internet.
So I ask myself, WHY?
The first thing I get: the terror tag.
Now I know there’s a lot of weidos running around with guns and bombs and stuff, but wait a sec, its not like muslims are the only ones doing all this stuff.
What about those college boys in the U.S. shooting their teachers, classmates and girlfriends at campus? (“We were terrified” – one of the survivors)…and yet no TERRORIST?
Or how about the attacks in Finland?
Anyone remember the LTTE?
Those guys up in Northern Ireland?
Almost makes me wonder if terrorism can be called such only when done by a guy from the Middle East shouting stuff in Arabic.
And then there is 9-11.
Referred to as the biggest threat to the free world, the sole cause for starting unilateral invasions of two sovereign countries, and presumably a major factor in the U.S economic recession, global oil prices and the current food shortage.
Of course, looking at all the facts (?) surrounding the attacks didn’t make sense…there are hundreds of theories on how an airline can never hit the pentagon and simply vanish (you can check out the videos
here) I’m not gonna get into all the detailed theories; but we have to admit, there are other explanations given to the attacks…and that the US intelligence isn’t all that accurate all the time (anyone remember the supposed “Weapons of Mass Destruction” in Iraq?)
But what hurts me the most is not the ‘random security checks’ at the airport or impolite questions I sometimes get on my beliefs.
Its something even low: Hate campaigns.
Shortly after the Danish cartoon controversy, YouTube was loaded with low-life scums who took pride in tarnished caricatures.
Sites loaded with supposed rubbish ‘facts’ about Islam that anyone with a grade-school education would find ridiculous to believe….
Public abuses and insults thrown at our Prophet (Recall
what Israeli soccer team did?)…
Comments on personal blogs inciting hate….
How can anyone civilized, be so hateful?