Saturday, December 6, 2008

Halal Pork anyone?

This might raise a bit of curiosity...and it did in me; especially since I had been eating out at that Turkish place quite often recently.

Anyway, this restaurant is an a place called Raunheim in germany, and says "HALAL" in big bold letters on the glass windows.

So I was more than a little surprised to see "Schinken" (which is german for pork) on some of the menu items; even though the guy who runs it is muslim. 

I was pretty annoyed when I confronted him and asked him what was going on, offering pork on the menu when the place was supposedly halal.

That's when he mentioned, that Schinken was also short for Truthhahn-Schinken (which is turkey-meat)...and proceeded to take out all the meats from the freezer to show they all did indeed have the halal certification on them.

And even though there is another word for turkeys in german, apparently they use the shortened form of the word, "Schinken" , in order to keep the german customers coming in. 

Now that's marketing worth laughing out at!